Tuesday, March 13, 2012

February 28, 2012

Bret's mom came over today and I spoke to her about this assignment and she made me realize that little voice in my head- everyone has it! They just all describe it in different ways. She thinks of it as her "evil twin." She said it's the religious "devil" at our side; the negativity in all of us trying to bring our positive side down. She said she has also been working on banishing this side of herself from her mind. She said it's fine to have a bit of criticism in your mind because that keeps you on track, but letter that voice take over just isn't fair to yourself and leads to depression.

We started talking about how easily it is to get depressed and let the "bad twin" win when you have a disease; I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis five years ago and she was diagnosed with under active Thyroid disease about 10 years ago. Both of our spouses are sweet, but often work away and it's hard to stay positive without them there, but we were both working on self improvement on our own because how can you be happy with yourself if you aren't happy? Just having others believe in you isn't worth a lot if you don't first have faith in yourself, by yourself. It was very uplifting to know that someone else is in the same boat and, while struggling, is still succeeding. I knew I could succeed too!

I love my almost mother, daughter talks. We are pretty much the same person. I'm glad I'm working on myself now instead of waiting 30 years like she has but I'm still proud of her.

xo Morgan

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