Tuesday, March 13, 2012

February 22, 2012

I know I know, you should leave electronics behind when going on vacation, and just relax in the motion, but times are a changing and I brought my phone with me. Of course, I had it on airplane mode the entire time because I can't afford to pay the long distance costs on it if it were roaming and searching for a signal. But I'm using it for an alarm. Regardless, somehow I got looking on my contacts list and I started getting upset because some of the names reminded me of people that I'm on the outs with, that I only fight with and/or that only bring negative thoughts into my mind. So I made up my mind then and there and deleted three people, let's call them Dust, 2Faced and First this stands for the 'another one bites the dust' girl of one of my first posts, a manipulative girl who used to live with me, and my first love who I'll always have a soft spot for but who always tries and succeeds to manipulate my feelings about him in his favor and my failure. So I deleted them all and didn't think twice about it. Seconds after, it felt like an actual 100 pound weight had been lifted off my shoulders; I felt so light. I literally just floated down the stairs and went swimming in the ocean... I feel great! What a great decision.

xo Mo

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