Friday, March 2, 2012


The behavior I want to change is the negativity I feel and project toward myself. Stop negative "self talk"... the little voice inside your head who tells you what you can't do, how you don't stack up and why you're just not good enough. That little voice is getting on my nerves. It needs to stop and give me my head back. Man, as I'm writing this, I realize just how crazy I sound, but we all have that little voice that is just the negative aspect of our personality trying to make us fail.. I'm done with you, voice!

Right now, if I don't do something I say I'm going to or fail at something, I beat myself up. That's not fair. I should take responsibility for my actions, but I shouldn't beat myself up about them. I also have times where I feel really bad about the way I look or what friends I keep. I don't choose the best friendships, as a general rule, and I need to get rid of the bad relationships in my life and focus on me and my true friends. I was a beauty adviser at The Hudson's Bay Company for over a year and it was instilled in me there that outward beauty was the most important thing. I know that's not true, but it's always at the back of my mind. I love playing around with new makeup, hair and nail styles but I always look my best outwardly when I feel great inwardly, and that's what I'm going to focus on in this blog.

I plan on changing this one day at a time. I'm going to work on it by every time I get a negative thought, I will try to conquer it with a positive one. Also, I want to work on having a better self imagine, which I think goes hand in hand with conquering negative thought.

How I'll change:
-combat every negative thought with a positive one
-replace uncertainty and doubt with certainty
-whenever I feel bad about myself for some reason, do something to change that bad feeling
-rid my life of situations/ people that are negative influences

-feel more positive
-try to get rid of negative "voice in head"
-feel a sense of calm and peace

I've been keeping a journal at home about my experiences and will post them into this blog with the dates I wrote them. So don't pay attention to the dates of the posted blog, but rather the date I'll post with the title or in the beginning of each post.

All for now!
Morgan Lencucha

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