Tuesday, March 13, 2012

February 27, 2012

A few months ago, I skimmed a book called "The Secret" in which the basic principle is a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts; you send positive thoughts out into the universe and get everything your heart desires. However, if you send negative thoughts, even things you didn't intend to be negative (i.e. I not going to crash- "not" and "crash" being the negative words), you will fail. Some positive thoughts would be, "I'm doing well on this midterm," "I'm a smart beautiful person," "I will succeed at life." Some negative thoughts would be, "I'm not going to crash," "I will fail," I'm not a fun person." See the difference? Of course, me like almost everyone else who reads the book before seeing it coming true in their own life, thought it was crazy. I tried it out for a few days but then gave up and forgot about it.

Just before the start of this assignment, my boyfriend, Bret, told me that he had watched "The Secret" on Netflix and he was all about optimism. He went on and on about it, and being as I was usually the optimistic one, I knew I had to change my ways. A few days later, I started this assignment, and after deleting the bad people out of my phone, a great thing happened that made me truly believe in The Secret.

Not long after I re-became friends with Dust and 2Faced, I lost my best and second closest friend. We'll call her Beauty. I've been devastated about it ever since; I've been trying to think of a way to become friends with her again ever since. I was a different person when I was friends with Dust and 2Faced and I was ashamed to try to speak to Beauty again.

Well, after deleting Dust and 2Faced out of my phone, it's like fate just happened. I was getting a late bite to eat from Shoppers, and of course had to stop in at their beauty boutique because I love that place and I've pretty much visited it 3x a week since it opened. I'd oddly never seen Beauty til that day. It was pretty awkward when she asked me if I needed help and then gasped when she recognized me. I told her she could help the other customers and I'd just look around. I was so excited but so nervous! She was perfectly made up s always and I looked tired and ragged after a full 8 hours of school and homework. Regardless, I hung around. Then I went "duh" and said to myself, we were best friends for years- she doesn't give a crap about what I look like! This was definitely a sign, right?

She finished up quite quickly and came over to me. Then a miracle happened; we talked for 5 hours- from 5pm, til 10pm when the store closed. We quickly exchanged phone numbers and I hope to talk to her again soon. During our long talk, we realized that it was very odd that we hadn't seen each other as she worked every day during the week since the store had opened. I guess I just wasn't emotionally "ready" to see her until that day; it's the secret in action! I got rid of negative friendships and found a positive one I'd been missing since I introduced the negativity into my life.


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